Saturday 25 January 2014

Large Family Logistics - Getting 9 Kids Ready for Church

For our large family, getting ready for church MUST start on Saturday.  You could actually say it begins on laundry day, when the clean church clothes come in I set them aside in my closet (to protect them from being lost around the house).  There it remains on hangers until Ironing day, and hung in order from youngest to oldest.  The kids 12 and up do their own laundering and ironing, so I'm only concerned with age 11 and down...5 kids. 

A Basic Rundown of My Weekly Chore Schedule

Monday - Laundry Day/Clean Garage/Front and Backyards (easy to do since I'm outside hanging clothes on the line all day long)  Pray for dry weather!
Tuesday - Ironing/Master Bedroom/Girl's Bedroom
Wednesday - Church Assignments/Big Boy's Bedroom/Master and Kids Bathrooms
Thursday - Living Room/Little Boy's Room/Porches
Friday - Bills/Errands/Groceries/Kitchen/Dining Room
Saturday - Clean the Van/Church Preparation/Baking Day
Sunday - Church/Cooking Day/Planning Ahead (Menus, Vacations, parties)


1.  Hunt down all my make up, razors, toothbrushes, hair brushes, hair dryer, hot rollers and set them out (yes, I have to do this every single night...its called naughty toddlers and teenage girls)
2.  Set out my clothes, shoes, and bath towel
3.  Prepare my church bag to include:
  • Diapers
  • Wipes
  • Formula for baby (extra bottle)
  • Snacks for toddlers
  • Quiet books
  • Soft Toys
  • Church calling binder and needed materials
  • Scriptures
  • Extra clothing for babies and toddlers (if you don't pack it, you will need it)
4.  Clean out the van and fill up with gasoline
5.  Set out the children's clothing, shoes, and socks.  Hunt them down and clean shoes.
6.  Prepare breakfast NOW.  Blueberry Lemon Muffins makes life easy (no clean up) or setting out the cereals
7.  Go to the store.  We don't shop on Sundays, so you've got to have every needed thing on hand.
8.  Does anyone have a talk/scripture they need to prepare?  Chances are...YES


1.  Get dressed to the shoes, with hair, make up, and everything.  Once I wore my flip flops to church because I had forgotten to change.
2.  Start dinner in the crockpot / oven / rice cooker
3.  Eat breakfast
4.  Bathe the babies and have the Big Buddies dress their Little Buddy
5.  Brush everybody's teeth and comb hair with hair gel
6.  Have kiddos stand in line for Mom's examination before leaving the house
7.  Turn off all the lights and lock up the house
8.  Have a prayer in the van before leaving to leave the rushing at home and enjoy a peaceful church service

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